
Home / company / Ark


  • Ownership Period: 2021 – Present
  • Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
  • Sector: P&C Insurance
  • Ark is a leading multi-class underwriting platform that manages the underwriting of Syndicates 4020 and 3902 at Lloyd’s (with a combined stamp capacity of ~£700 million) as well as a Bermuda Class 4 (Re)insurance Company (Group Ark Insurance Limited). Ark underwrites a diversified portfolio of reinsurance and insurance, including property, marine & energy, specialty, accident & health and casualty. With White Mountains as a partner, Ark has grown its business substantially in the London market and has expanded its global underwriting presence through Group Ark Insurance Limited (“A” A.M. Best rating).

    Since December 2022, White Mountains has been the lead investor in WM Outrigger Re, an Ark-sponsored Bermuda-based segregated accounts company that provides collateralized reinsurance capacity for Ark’s Bermuda global property excess of loss catastrophe portfolio.